Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems

Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems

about department

The Geography Department seeks to prepare and graduate scientifically qualified and field-trained geography competencies, possessing the skills of extrapolating places and interpreting their phenomena, and capable of employing modern technologies in preparing and analyzing maps. The program conducts fundamental and applied studies and research, provides training courses, and provides scientific consultations. To advance the local community and contribute to solving environmental problems.

department mission

Department objectives 1- Graduating competencies that contribute to achieving the goals of development plans and meet the requirements of the labor market. 2- Participation in the geographical scientific movement locally, regionally and internationally. 3- Developing awareness of scientific developments in the various fields of geography and linking this to contemporary issues and the needs of society. 4- Developing community awareness of the specificity of the Egyptian geographical environment. 5- Providing training opportunities for workers in the formal sector, civil society and private society.

department vision

The Geography Department aspires to excellence and a competitive mathematical role at the national level in the field of geographical knowledge, spatial analysis and the latest revolutionary research methodologies and methods.

Donor Program